2/11 2019 1_33강

2019. 2. 11. 11:41 from 카테고리 없음


Okay but

we might have missed the real lesson.

Here the biggest lesson,

if you noticed did you catch it?

is that leadership is over-glorified,

that, yes, it was the shirtless guy was first,

and he'll get all the credit,

but it was really the first follower 

that transformed the lone nut into a leader.

So, as we're told that we shoud all be leaders,

that would be really ineffective.

연습1 - I need to

I need to be alone.

I need to lie down.

I need to find a date.

I need to use the bathroom.

I need to make a lot of money really fast.

I need to borrow your phone for just one minute.

I need to calm down.

I need to relax.

연습2 - might have

You might have died waiting for the phone to ring?

She might have mentioned him.

The whole place might have exploded.

Something might've happened to a huge chunk of it. 

연습3 - We're

We're chainging.

We're a couple.

We're roomates.

We're in trouble here.

We're just having fun.

We're protecting her.

We're having a party tonight.

Posted by Jyoel :